QuantiCor Security is one of the best Cyber Security CompaniesSpecial
Many thanks to DesignRush! Thank you for this great honour.
For more information: https://www.designrush.com/agency/cybersecurity
Most innovative Cyber Security Startups & Companies
We are happy to announce that QuantiCor is one of the most innovative Cyber Security Startups & Companies (Hessen). Thank you for this great award!
For more information: lmy.de/XwOBw
The evaluation is over: Germany’s best startups & companies have been selected
For our innovative Cloud & Network Security we have been selected as one of the best german based Cloud & Network Security companies.
For more information:
-> Cloud Security
Statista and Business-Punk have made their decision!
QuantiCor is now officially one of germany’s best startup employers 2021.
For more information about the award -»> https://bit.ly/3DxGhQ0
IT-Security Award 2021
QuantiCors innovative quantum-safe Encryption Gateway was awarded with the prestigious it-sa IT-Security Award 2021.
For more information: https://lnkd.in/ekQtnmg2 (german)
It’s finally official: Worldwide 1st standard for quantum-resistant encryption (PQC) from Germany
QuantiCor Security provides the first quantum-resistant encryption scheme that is now available as a standard. Protect your data and infrastructure now based on the new standard DIN SPEC 91444.
For more information about the new standard, click here!
Quanticor securely secures your cloud environments
To adequately protect sensitive data and critical infrastructures in the cloud, cloud users must act now. This is because quantum computers make current encryption methods useless.
QuantiCor wins the embedded award 2020
The embedded awards were presented at the traditional awards ceremony on 25 February 2020. For the 16th time, the most innovative achievements has been selected. For our quantum computer resistant authentication and encryption solution Quantum-IDEncrypt we won the spectacular embedded award 2020.
QuantiCor is one of the top 50 startups in germany
After evaluating 741 award-winning companies, the time has finally come and the top 50 startups in germany have been selected.
Thanks to our award-winning and groundbreaking quantum computer-resistant security solutions, we are now in the top 50.
QuantiCor wins the prestigious Accenture Innovation Award
QuantiCor developed Quantum-IDEncrypt that is particularly designed for IoT. Currently applied systems suffer from expensive, complex, inefficient, and nonscaleable structures which are completely unsuitable for IoT applications. With QuantiCor’s innovative solution it is possible to counteract the weaknesses.
Accenture, honored this new security soultion with the Innovation Award 2018.
More information…
The company QuantiCor receives the main prize in the nationwide start-up competition “Digital Innovations”.
The “Founder’s Contest — Digital Innovations” is a competition organized by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. At the awards ceremony, a ten-member jury of experts from business, finance and science awards start-up ideas with lucrative prizes.
For more information: http://bit.ly/2EeizeM
Image Source: Gründerwettbewerb Digitale Innovationen
Special guests:Member of the Bundestag Dr. Jens Zimmermann visits QuantiCor Security
It was a special honor to receive Dr. Zimmermann and Bijan Kaffenberger in the offices of QuantiCor and talk about the dangerous threats for IT-Infrastructures through quantum computers and QuantiCor’s innovative soultions for that kind of threats.
Image Source: Bijan Kaffenberger
Challenge Industrie du Futur
Breaking News: QuantiCor has been selected as a finalist by Atos France, S.K.F. France and Ariane Group to be part of the future of the industry.
Image Source: Atos
Meet the Sharpers of Digitisation!
Let’s meet at @hub.berlin! QuantiCor’s CEO will speak at Europe’s interactive business festival on 10 & 11 April in Berlin! With two full days of keynotes, workshops, live tech experiences, and art, a unique community of digital experts from all backgrounds comes together to pave the way for a digitised future.
Fore more information: https://hub.berlin
Image Source: hubberlin
The Threat is real! A great interview of the CEO of QuantiCor about security risks and solutions of IoT
It has been an exciting and inspiring competition. Thanks to the Accenture Innovation Awards. Here a very interesting interview of the CEO of QuantiCor about the immense importance of IoT-Security. IoT is coming fast, so protect your company and IoT-Applications with QuantiCor!
Fore more information: https://innovation-awards.nl/en-us/security
Image Source: Accenture Innovation Award
QuantiCor is the winner of the Accenture Innovation Award
We made it! The Accenture Innovation Award winners are now announced and we are very proud to be selected as the winner in the Security Theme. At this point we would like to sincerely thank the AIA-Team for the great event and great support!
Fore more information: https://innovation-awards.nl/en-us/security
Image Source: Accenture Innovation Award
QuantiCor one of the best Cyber Security Innovators in the AIA competition
We have exciting news to share. QuantiCor Security has been selected as one of 5 top innovators of the security theme in the Accenture Innovation Award competition.
For more information: https://innovation-awards.nl/en-us/security
Image Source: Accenture Innovation Award
The secret boom in German IT security startups
The “Gründerszene” reports on some security startups with innovative security products. One of them is QuantiCor.
For more information:
Image Source: Moritz Grumbach
We belong to the Top 10 Cyber Security Innovators
As most of you know, for the last couple of months the Accenture Innovation Awards has brought us on a journey. Hereby we are proud to announce that QuantiCor Security has made it to the Top 10 security innovators in the AIA competition!
For more information: https://bit.ly/2wZ0Wv7
Image Source: Accenture Innovation Award
QuantiCor Security is nominated for the UP18@it-sa Award
Great news: Today we want to inform you that we have been nominated for the UP18@it-sa Award!
For more information: https://www.it-sa.de/de/up18
Image Source: UP18@it-sa
QuantiCor Security one of 25 Top Innovators in Cyber Security
We are proud to announce that QuantiCor Security has made it to the Top 25 innovators of the security theme in the Accenture Innovation Award competition! Thanks to all who have supported us up until this point.
For more information: https://bit.ly/2Qf8Au0
Image Source: Accenture Innovation Award
The Goal of the Quantum Internet Alliance and the position of QuantiCor in it
DID YOU KNOW? QuantiCor Security is one of few leading actors from industry of the european quantum internet alliance.
The goal is to develop a Blueprint for a pan-European entanglement-based Quantum Internet, by developing, integrating and demonstrating all the functional hardware and software subsystems.
For more information: http://quantum-internet.team/
Image Source: Quantum Internet Alliance
QuantiCor’s Scientific Committee member Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Buchmann at the Digital Agenda
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Johannes Buchmann, member of QuantiCor’s Scientific Committee, took part as one of 7 experts in the public hearing of the Committee for Digitale Agenda to talk about quantum computers and IT-security.
Image Source: Youtube
QuantiCor winner of the innovation price “IT”
Image Source: Innovationspreis-IT 2018 — Initiative Mittelstand
Minister of Health Jens Spahn meets QuantiCor Security
Great interest from our Minister of Health Jens Spahn for our innovative quantum computer-resistant security solutions and our blockchain technology targeting the healthcare sector at conhIT 2018.
Image Source: QuantiCor
QuantiCor Security at the conhIT and the Hannover Messe 2018
It is almost time! Come by and visit us at this year’s conhIT and Hannover Messe.
Image Source: QuantiCor
Quantencomputer und ihre Bedeutung für die IT-Sicherheit
Ein aufschlussreiches Interview zwischen Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Johannes Buchmann, Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Komitees von QuantiCor Security, und dem brand eins Magazin über die Risiken und Gefahren für die IT-Sicherheit durch Quantencomputern.
Bildquelle: brand eins
QuantiCor Security has won two Industry Prizes
It’s done! Both of our products “Quantum-IDEncrypt” and “Quantum-Multisign” have won the industry price 2018 in the category “IT and Industry”.
Image Source: Industriepreis 2018 — Initiative Mittelstand
First IT-Security Day (Heise Events)
Visit our booth at the first IT-Security Day organized by TU-Darmstadt and Heise Events!
Image Source: Heise Events
QuantiCor Security ist nun Mitglied der Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit!
Die Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit ist eine Initiative, die das Know-how zum Schutz vor Cyber-Angriffen in deutschen Unternehmen stärkt.
Bildquelle: Allianz für Cyber Sicherheit
Quantum-IDEncrypt gekürt mit dem “Innovationspreis-IT 2017”
Aufgrund des hohen Nutzens für den Mittelstand wurde unsere quantencomuter-resistente Lösung “Quantum-IDEncrypt” von der Initiative Mittelstand der “INNOVATIONSPREIS-IT 2017” verliehen. In diesem Sinne zeichnete die Fachjury unser Produkt mit dem Prädikat “BEST OF 2017” aus.
Die Initiative Mittelstand kürt damit besonders innovative Lösungen, die mittelständische Unternehmen fit für eine erfolgreiche digitale Zukunft machen.
Bildquelle: Innovationspreis-IT 2017 — Initiative Mittelstand
It-sa 2017: Unser Talk zum Thema post-quantum cryptography
Für alle, die nicht dabei waren! Nachträglich eine Erinnerung zu unserer Rede auf der it-sa 2017 zum Thema Post-Quanten-Kryptographie und Cybersecurity. Rückblickend bedanken wir uns nochmals für die zahlreich erschienen Besucher!
Bildquelle: QuantiCor
QuantiCor Security: Finalist im Hessen-Ideen Wettbewerb
Die Jury hat es beschlossen! Wir gehören zu den Finalisten im Hessen-Ideen Wettbewerb. Die endgültige Entscheidung über die Sieger des Wettstreits werden in der feierlichen Preisverleihung am 09. November 2017 im Museum für Kommunikation verkündet.
Bildquelle: Hessen Ideen Wettbewerb
Tech Days 2017: Wir waren vor Ort!
Der Schwerpunkt unseres Vortrags betraf die Ausnutzung von Fehlern, um auf diesem Wege neue Lösungsansätze für viel weitgreifendere Problematiken kreieren zu können. Hierbei ist die Rede vom sogenannten “Learning-with-Errors-Problem” sowie deren Einsatz in der Post-Quantum-Kryptographie.
Für weitere Informationen: https://tarnkappe.info/wir-waren-vor-ort-techdays-2017-in-muenchen/
Bildquelle: Tech Days
QuantiCor Mitglied des Digital Hubs – Cybersicherheit Darmstadt
Das Bundeswirtschaftsministerium hat es offiziell gemacht und Darmstadt zum Digital Hub für Cyber Security gekürt. QuantiCor Security ist nun Teil des Security Valleys und hofft auch für die Zukunft auf neue und interessante Errungenschaften aus der Innovationsstadt.
Bildquelle: Digital Hub Cybersecurity Darmstadt
Verfassungsschutz-Präsident zu Besuch am Stand von QuantiCor auf der Cebit 2017
Die Bedrohungen durch Quantencomputer sind real! Im Zuge dessen und aufgrund unserer angebotenen Quantencomputer-resistenten Technologien war es uns so möglich, das Interesse unseres Verfassungsschutz-Präsidenten Hans-Georg Maaßen im Rahmen der Cebit 2017 für uns zu gewinnen.
Bildquelle: Cebit 2017
Cebit 2017: The next generation of cryptography
Neben vielen interessanten Vorträgen am Stand des IT-Planungsrates auf der Cebit 2017 hat QuantiCor einen Vortrag zum Thema “The next generation of cryptography” gehalten.
Bildquelle: QuantiCor
QuantiCor Security gewinnt den Sonderpreis beim Startup & Innovation Day
Beim Startup & Innovation Day haben wir aufgrund unserer Quantencomputer-resistenten Sicherheitstechnologien den Sonderpreis gewinnen können.
Für weitere Informationen: https://www.cysec.tu-darmstadt.de/en/news-events/news/news-details/artikel/start-up-workshop-fuer-cybersecurity-startups/
Bildquelle: Highest
Gelungene Kooperation — zwischen dem BSI, Intel und dem CEO von QuantiCor Security
Dr. Rachid El Bansarkhani (CEO von QuantiCor Security) forscht mit dem Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik und Intel an Security-Strategien für das Post-Quantum-Zeitalter.
Für mehr Informationen: http://www.elektroniknet.de/markt-technik/embedded/post-quantum-verschluesselung-137675.html
Bildquelle: Markt & Technik
Die Zeit Online: Die Probleme von Quantencomputern bei der Verwendung von Gitterverfahren
Ein interessanter Beitrag von Dr. Rachid El bansarkhani (Wissenschaftler und Geschäftsführer von QuantiCor Security) über die Probleme von Quantencomputern beim Einsatz von Gitterverfahren in hohen Dimensionen.
Für mehr Informationen: http://www.zeit.de/2016/33/verschluesselung-laser-kommunikation-daten-datensicherheit/seite‑2
Bildquelle: Die Zeit Online